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Security Hologram

Home<<Security Hologram Master Origination Type<<Multi Channels Hologram

Multi Channels Hologram

Multi Channels Hologram Samples Page 1  2  3  4

Multi Channels, Flip Flip, Two Channels, Three Channels Holographic Label

Flip-flop holographic flower have 4 flip petal images from different viewing angle. When the viewing angle changes horizontally (left to right) or vertically (upside and down), different images evolve through the hologram.


4 Flip-flop holographic effect display 4 petal from different viewing angle.


Flying bird has 6-12 flips. Global image has 4 flips.


Flying bird has 6-12 flips. Global image has 4 flips. 4 Channels. Dot-matrix Flip-flop effect.


The running horse has 5 flips and get a kinematic running result. 5 Channels.


Flip-flop flying bird with guilloche lines. Multi Channels.


Holographic sticker which has flip-flop effect. The ankor image and logo has flip-flop effect. Flip-flop holographic sticker can display two images from different viewing angle. When the viewing angle. changes horizontally (left to right) or vertically (upside and down), different images evolve through the hologram.

Multi Channels Hologram Samples Page 1  2  3  4

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