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Security Hologram

Home<<Security Hologram Master Origination Type<<Covert Laser Readable (CLR) Hidden Text/Image & Moire Hidden Text

Animation Covert Laser Readable (CLR) Hidden Text/Image

Covert Laser Readable (CLR) Hidden Text/Image  Samples Page 1  2  3 & Moire Hidden Text  Samples Page 1  2

There're two kinds of hidden text or images, covert laser readable(CLR) hidden text and morie hidden text available for holographic stickers.

Animation CLR Hidden Image in Hologram Label. Below show photo flips of the dynamic CLR which is red reflect onto paper.

Dynamic CLR is a set of CLR fragments. It's a fly pigeon. Flip 1.

Dynamic CLR is a set of CLR fragments. It's a fly pigeon. Flip 2.

Dynamic CLR is a set of CLR fragments. It's a fly pigeon. Flip 3 and flip4 shown together

Dynamic CLR is a set of CLR fragments. It's a fly pigeon. Flip 4.

Dynamic CLR is a set of CLR fragments. It's a fly pigeon. Flip 5. Animation Hidden Image hologram, with first flip which is shown through laser pointer. It show kinematic movement of hidden image/text with different flips. This is the highest security hidden text/image in hologram. These flips make up a very good clips like a short red color movie when reading by laser pointer. These flips is continous when your use laser torch to see it. Flip 1.


Animation Hidden Image hologram label with kinematic global image, Flip 1.

Animation Hidden Image hologram label with kinematic global image, Flip 2.

Animation Hidden Image hologram label with kinematic global image, Flip 3.

Animation Hidden Image hologram label with kinematic global image, Flip 4

Animation Hidden Image hologram, with first flip which is shown through laser pointer. It show kinematic movement of hidden image/text with different flips. This is the highest security hidden text/image in hologram. These flips make up a very good clips like a short red color movie when reading by laser pointer.

Covert Laser Readable (CLR) Hidden Text/Image  Samples Page 1  2  3 & Moire Hidden Text  Samples Page 1  2

Home<<Security Hologram Master Origination Type<<Covert Laser Readable (CLR) Hidden Text/Image & Moire Hidden Text
